
there are many companies advertising amazing discounts and offering coupon codes to put your jpgs on canvas. i have already begun ordering my drawings on canvas, to be displayed in the libraries and stores with my art book.

two pieces arrived and looked splendid.

three pieces arrived from one company—such terrible quality, this poet cant conjure words to describe. it has been a saga to return the canvases. i even contacted the BBB, and it worked because the company got in touch….but it is not yet resolved, alas.

something i realized as i begin to have the canvases made, is they are offered only in particular sizes. i dont draw with sizes in mind! so sometimes i need to modify a drawing before i upload it to a canvas site.

i drew these (yesterday) 12.19.15. i had to add borders all-round the actual intended borders, in order for the drawings to fit a standard canvas. i am curious how they will come out, since i used colored pencils (of the digital variety) to draw them. it will be like a texture upon a texture. we shall see!

Easter Bree 12.19.15 Drawn on Paint
Maldives Bree 12.19.15 Drawn on Paint, enhanced with Fotor





with borders it looks like this, but stretched on the frame the extra borders wont show. whats ridiculous about this, is Paint doesnt show inches anywhere. you cant know how many inches or centimeters….only pixels and resolution, so its been a guessing game.  i suppose when i draw something i can choose ratios that will produce standard sizes.


Method Behind the Madness

when KFW awarded me this grant, they pointed out i did not explain how i made the art i submitted, or the date my pieces were made.

i think anyone whos had some instruction would know this is an important aspect! now i know. anyway, i wanted to show how i make my collages. last night i came across an image online which inspired me–

marble head from figure of a woman
Marble head from the figure of a woman | 2700–2500 B.C. | Cycladic, posted by Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

using just this photograph, i went on the computer program Paint, and used my mouse to cut and paste in order to make this collage.

Young Bull Bree 12.20.15

there are goddesses associated with the bull, like Pasiphae and Selene. perhaps this was in my subconscious. i am not sure why the bull came to mind when i saw the beautiful stone sculpture. i make what i make without forethought, by sitting down with a blank mind.

Bree: do well of must– a Book Art Show Blog Project

i have been awarded an Artist Enrichment Grant from The Kentucky Foundation for Women. this blog is part of my project, so follow along.

here is my project:
–make a book Bree: do well of must which showcases my progress as a self-taught visual artist.
–create a body of work on canvas.
–solicit bookstores and libraries to display my book, along with an original work for one Friday-Saturday. (some pieces will be nude studies or erotic art).
–blog the process here, as a way to gauge how receptive the public is to public display of nude studies or erotic art by a female artist.

see a list of grantees and their projects here.
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Yuchi Wind Bree 11.30.15 Drawn on Paint, enhanced with Fotor

Bree is an artist & poet from
Cleveland, OH. she now lives
in Pleasureville, KY. open
farmland. 360-degree view
of oh my. she received a 2015
Artist Enrichment grant from
The Kentucky Foundation
for Women
. check in here
to track her progress.

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