Green Panda Press announces
Country Fried Panda Fest June 9-11 2023
Shelbyville, KY’s first-ever poetry festival
there will be 5 events in 3 days open to the public:
6.9.23 Friday night poetry wraps up in music at a local studio The Music Barn
6.10.23 Saturday morning outdoor read at a local park
6.10.23 Saturday all day all night bombast at a local tavern The Barrel Room
6.11.23 Sunday morning big-screen zoom poetry reading at the library
featuring godfathers/godmothers of indy poetry
6.11.23 Sunday morning poetry with music recording session at a community center, link to recording to be posted for all
there is a luxury cabin sleeps 28+ its 1200 divided by however many people stay there. poets or folks just coming to hear a bunch of poets – please let me know whether you want to stay in the cabin – thanks
here is a list of participating poets, several tentative at this point, as it is so far into the future…..
Adam Brodsky
Adam Perry
Alex Gildzen* zoom
Andy Clausen
Ben Gulyas* tentative
Bill Gainer
Bill Taylor
Bob Phillips* zoom
Catfish McDaris
Chad Horn
Chandra Alderman
Charles Potts
Dan Denton
Dave Roskos*zoom
Dean McClain
DR Wagner* zoom
Drew Coomer
Eric Scott Sutherland
George Wallace
Gina Tabasso
Grace Butcher* zoom if poss
Heather Ann Shepard
Ingrid Swanberg* zoom
Jason Baldinger
Jason Hardung
Jeff Weddle
Jessica McDermott
Jim Deuchars
Joe Safdie* tentative
John Burroughs
John Dorsey* tentative
Jonathan S. Baker
Jonie McIntire
Joshua Lew Mcdermott
Joshua Gage
JS Makkos
Juliet Cook
Kate Sopko
Kathy Smith
Kathryn Griseto
Kent Taylor* zoom
Kerry Jensen Trautman* tentative
Klyd Watkins
Lily Rex
Madison Piling
Mark Widrlechner
Michael Grover
Michael Henson
Michelle McDonnold
Michael Salinger
Milenko Budimir
MJA Joe Arcangelini* tentative
Nicole Hennesey
Noah David Roberts
Pamela Twining
Paul Corman-Roberts
Paul Skyrm
Pauletta Hansel
RA Washington
Ralph LaCharity
Ray McNeice* tentative
Russ Vidrick
Ryn Ann Griseto
Sara Holbrook
Sheila Long
Shelley Chernin
Steve Brightman
Steve Goldberg
Steve Huffman
Stephen Thomas
Steve Thomas
Steven B. Smith
Theresa Gottl
Tiffany Tavella
Tom Kryss* zoom
Ursula Williams
Victor Clevenger* tentative
Wendy Shaffer* here’s hoping