okay, so here is what has been up….our Governor Bevin took Kentucky’s healthcare which was being used as a model in other states because KY had the least amount of uninsured citizens….and it was working….but he turned it on its head. alas, i lost my healthcare, and have been rowing upwards ever since.
i have time to time drawn and made collages. i will post them here.
this Saturday, June 18th i have an art show- my first in KY! and will also be singing with my newly formed band Affluenza, at 6th and Main Coffee Shop and as part of 6th Street Live.
i have plenty of canvas for the art show, and will bring them all, although many are nude studies. i will only hang what the venue likes, and do not expect all of them to be in the gallery month-long. there is no tellin’ what will fly.
after this weekend i intend to buckle down and get back to business. still plenty of time to meet booksellers and otherwise solicit venues for my project finale in November. meanwhile, i can see how the procedures and medicines had enabled me to function awfully well, considering. without them i draw from the bottom of my diaphragm, and exhale longer than i ever inhale.